Rod Stewart


the collection

If anybody invented the idea of being a pop star, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it was Rod Stewart. Starting out in the blues boom of the mid 1960s, before becoming ‘Rod the Mod’ as he became the voice of The Faces, his unmistakable vocals carried first the band to fame and then launched a seemingly unstoppable solo career that continues to this day and will go on, as he promises, ‘For as long as I’ve still got the barnet!’ Beyond the recording studio, the stage and television appearances Rod Stewart has lived the pop star lifestyle to the absolute max, living in castles, driving huge cars, wearing unfeasibly ridiculous clothes and draping models and actresses about his shoulders on a regular basis. If signing up as a pop star came with a job description, it would simply say, ‘Look at Rod Stewart’. The Backstage Pass collection has all the evidence.

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